Our family is now a family of three! Lulu and I welcomed little Althea Ruth Gephart at 8:08am on June 30, 2013. A healthy and happy Thea weighed in at 7lbs 13.5oz and 18.5″ long, with a full head of hair and beautiful long feet. It’s hard to put it all into words… the last three weeks have been incredible, rewarding, challenging, exhausting, filled with wonder, and full of love. With a little time off from work, and great support from friends and family, we’ve been adjusting to life at home really well, and we’re just trying to soak it all in. Anyway, enough with the words, here are the photos…
One happy mom and her daughter, June 30th.
Instantly hooked.
Weighing in before heading home.
A fair assessment of exhaustion for a couple weeks.
Hanging out with Susan, who helped guide Lulu through an amazing labor and Thea to a great delivery.