July 5, 2011

I’ve been lucky enough to make turns in July for the last couple years for work, with our regularly scheduled ski testing at Mt Hood, OR. In fact, I’m heading out the door in a few minutes for a couple days of ski testing down there again. But with a huge snowpack across the Cascade Mountains and a perfect weather forecast for the Fourth of July weekend, I jumped at the chance to make it a full multi-sport holiday.

The Sunrise road into the park just opened on Friday. Still tons of snow.

Joining up with a group of Alpental regulars, we headed to the Sunrise side of Mount Rainier National Park, where the road to 6000′ had just opened on Friday. The plan was a quick ridgeline tour up Dege Peak, with easy, 1000′ laps of corn snow to repeat in the sunshine.

Chris hits the top, Mt Adams in the background

Sparkling skies, smooth corn snow, and beautiful warm temperatures made it into a perfect morning. Hard to beat the scenery too, with views of Mt Rainier, Mt Adams, Glacier Peak, and many more.

An unknown skier from a second group skiing the gut on Dege Peak.


Ladybugs swarming on the summit of Dege Peak.
Great corn snow dropping in off the top of Dege Peak.
Greg playing on the spine. Great skiing for spring, much less July.


Back to the parking lot after a couple laps for a beer and a snack, and then still made it back to Seattle for a 4pm BBQ with friends in Greenwood. Sitting out in the lawnchair on a warm evening (finally, no need for a sweatshirt!) combined the best feelings of earning some late season skiing and thoroughly enjoying the start of summer. With 4 days off for the holiday, it was a great way to mix a bit of the spring that never happened with the summer that’s soon to come.

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